Workshop Angelic Reiki 1 and 2 Grade
This workshop takes place in 2½ days where you will be introduced to the 1 and 2 grade Angelic Reiki techniques.
Participants in this course are trained to 1 and 2 degree Angelic Reiki Practitioner. During the intensive workshop various treatment methods are offered that we will practice with and together. These are techniques that you can use afterwards to treat yourself and clients effectively and purposefully. The participant gets hands-on experience in this healing method. You learn how to use this healing technique in a client-oriented way. The individual connection that is created between you and your healing (arch) angel ensures that that angel will be present and work with you at every healing. This connection contains Reiki symbols created by angel vibration. The symbols were given to humanity by St Germain at the time of the flourishing of the Atlantis era.
The following components are discussed:
*Activation at Angel level of the given Reiki symbols of the 7 levels of Divine form by Archangel Metatron.
*A reconciliation of the Angelic Kingdom of Light and the 12 dimension through Archangel Metatron.
*Hands on healing experience of channeling Angelic healing energy, third eye healing, healing with Ascended
*Masters, Galactic Healers, Multidimensional and past life healing.
*Counseling in self-healing, absence and remote healing, treatment of pregnant women, children and animals.
*Advice on practical treatment methods.
*Techniques to properly align healing aids.
*A master crystal that holds the angel codes of healing.
*An extensive practical handbook
*Official certificate practitioner 1 and 2 grade Angelic Reiki.
If you work as a healer with the Angel World in this way, you offer a great service to humanity and to yourself.
Costs are €295. After registration of €100, your registration is guaranteed. Payment in full amount should be made is two weeks before the start of the course. The workshop takes place with at least 3 participants.
Workshop Angelic Reiki 3 and 4 Grade
This workshop is intended for people who have the Angelic Reiki 1 and 2 degree certificate and are ready to proceed to the next stage; a phase of personal development and the ability to teach Angelic Reiki. This workshop is given for three full days and is a powerful experience that lays the foundation for the incoming Galactic Energy of Ascension. It awakens the Divine core within yourself. Participants are overwhelmed by a wave of love that is given by Ascended Masters.
This workshop consists of the following components:
*Briefly repeating healing techniques given in the level 1 & 2 workshop.
*Opportunities to share healing experiences.
*eye contact healing as used during Atlantis period.
*Healing with Soul Group energies
*Healing with energies of Divine Presence and Divine Blessing.
*Activating the 13 symbols that are a gateway to multidimensional healing, activated at Angel level through the 7 levels of Divine form given by Archangel Metatron.
*Healing with soulgroup energies. 3rd and 4th degree levels.
*Gifts of higher knowledge given by the Sarim, the Princes of the Angelic Kingdom.
*Healing practice sessions.
*Advice on giving Angelic Reiki workshops and Angelic Reiki initiations.
*A comprehensive Master Teacher manual.
*Certificate for 3rd and 4th grade Angelic Reiki as an Angelic Reiki teacher.
*Students are assured that angels will be present at every workshop they give.
A special part of teaching others is the participation in healing practice sessions. During these sessions, questions can be asked and answers will be provided in which the techniques themselves are demonstrated, given and explained. Costs are €495. Your registration is guaranteed after a deposit of €100. Payment in full amount should be made is two weeks before the start of the course. The workshop takes place with at least 3 participants