Angelic Reiki Healing is a healing technique that has a major positive influence on the recovery of your entire energy balance. It is a direct and pure connection with the Angel world. It is a very powerful form of healing that is able to touch and heal people to the deepest core. As soon as a connection has been made between the healer and the Angel world, the healer transfers the control to the angels, after which direct contact is made with the client. People who are sensitive experience noticeable changes during and after a session. Your energy management is restored, chakras are reactivated and a warm shower of loving, soft and healing energy is carefully sprinkled over you. Angelic Reiki Healing is helpful with: Relieving stress, tension and anxiety. Pain relief and healing at a deeper level. Healing of trauma and abuse. Bringing the chakras into natural balance. Relief of emotional blockages. Stimulation and increase of your immune system. Recovery from homeostasis (natural balance). Cleaning of non-self energies. Acceleration of natural process of self-healing.
Angelic Reiki Healing


With channeling I bring my own thoughts into silence and tune into higher energy frequencies. I connect with Light Beings of the 12th dimension. Angels, Ascended Masters and Guides who have achieved a high degree of purification reside in the 12th dimension. During this connection it is possible to ask all sorts of questions, about the sudden loss of a loved one, suicide, reincarnation, relationship problems and many other questions that may concern the client and possibly hinder their spiritual growth. The Light Beings also provide a direct contact between me and a deceased loved one. I literally speak with the deceased and see his / her presence in the room where I am.

The conversation I have is recorded, so that afterwards the client can listen to the answers given from the spiritual world. A session lasts about an hour and is done by me in seclusion and silence. Your presence here is not necessary. Sometimes the presence of a client can be an obstacle to receiving pure answers. Before the session I want to know as few details as possible. Preferably only a name and perhaps the subject on which the client wants further information. I offer the Light Beings all the space to say what may be said at that moment.

For further details I refer to my book: “Contact by Channeling”, which describes many channelings in detail.

Costs for a session is €55

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