Angelic Reiki Healing is a healing technique that has a major positive influence on the recovery of your entire energy balance. It is a direct and pure connection with the Angel world. It is a very powerful form of healing that is able to touch and heal people to the deepest core. As soon as a connection has been made between the healer and the Angel world, the healer transfers the control to the angels, after which direct contact is made with the client. People who are sensitive experience noticeable changes during and after a session. Your energy management is restored, chakras are reactivated and a warm shower of loving, soft and healing energy is carefully sprinkled over you. Angelic Reiki Healing is helpful with: Relieving stress, tension and anxiety. Pain relief and healing at a deeper level. Healing of trauma and abuse. Bringing the chakras into natural balance. Relief of emotional blockages. Stimulation and increase of your immune system. Recovery from homeostasis (natural balance). Cleaning of non-self energies. Acceleration of natural process of self-healing.
Angelic Reiki Healing



Consulting an oracle deck is a sacred and spiritual event. Drawing a card and reading the accompanying text provides insight into a situation. The explanation of the cards varies from practical suggestions to profound answers in which a clear picture is sketched of your current situation. The suggestions that are made, for example, to come out of an impasse, are intended to pave the way in places where there is a risk of stagnation and where blockages seem to develop. It opens doors to a bright future in which more love and light will flow to you. It closes doors from your past that stand in the way of growth and healing.

A card reading can take place with or without the presence of the client.
After choosing an oracle deck, it is thoroughly shaken and the client draws one or more cards.

The purpose of charting is to make you alert to blind spots that often get overlooked be perceived or trivialized as unimportant, irrelevant feelings. The oracle deck aims to give you insight into hidden feelings, which make an important contribution to your well-being. Feelings that may have painful features on the surface, but that are changed into loving directions when touched.

In my practice € 45, –
Distance € 20, –

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